The Dictionary of Human Geography

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As many, particularly feminist, scholars
working in philosophy and science and tech-
nology studies make clear, the importance of
hybridity in these terms is that it insists that
questions ofsocial justicecannot be under-
stood in terms of human relations or reasoning
alone, and invitesethicaland political pro-
jects that re-frame these questions in terms of
the more-than-human company of bodies,
technologies and forces implicated in, and con-
sequential for, the conduct of social life. sw

Suggested reading
Bhabha (1994); Castree and Nash (2004); Har-
away (1991); Latour (1993); Pratt (1992);
Whatmore (2002a).

hyperspace Hyperspace has four or more
dimensions. Geographical tradition privileges
location and three (Euclidean) dimensions: (x,
y,z) or (Easting, Northing and height)(see
euclidean space). Yet, it is rarely justwhere
something happens that is important but also
when, giving a fourth dimension: time. Space–
time is therefore a hyperspace that becomes
more complex (e.g. to visualize) if variables
recordingwhathappened (or what is found)
are treated as further dimensions of the space.
The literary critic Frederic Jameson (1991, pp.
38–44) famously described multi-dimensional
‘hyperspace’ as the characteristicspatialityof
postmodernity that disrupts and exceeds
conventional modes ofrepresentation. rh

Suggested reading
Mlodinow (2001).

hypothesis A provisional idea requiring fur-
ther assessment to test its merit. The etymo-
logical origin is from the Greek meaning ‘to
put under, suppose’. Withingeography, the
formalization of hypotheses was closely asso-
ciated with thequantitative revolution,in
which the ‘supposed’ was a scientific state-
ment capable of empirical testing using formal
statistical techniques (see alsodeduction).
In its early use, however, ‘hypothesis’ meant
an imagined idea, with only a distant connec-
tion to the real. In 1616, Cardinal Bellarmine
(1542–1621) warned Galileo Galilei (1564–
1642) not ‘to hold or defend’ the idea of a
heliocentric solar system, but to treat is as a
‘hypothesis’, not reality. And a similar sense
was given to the term when Sir Isaac Newton
(1643–1727) said about his theory of gravity:
‘I feign no hypotheses’ – that is, his work was
based on observation and experiment, not
speculation. By the nineteenth century, in

contrast, the use of hypotheses was increas-
ingly seen as an integral part of the very prac-
tice of science– not at odds with it, as
Newton implied. Hypotheses were where sci-
ence began; with interesting but as yet unproven
ideas that stemmed from scientifictheoryor
models. Whether hypotheses were accepted
depended upon the criteria applied. Criteria
have included: simplicity (the capacity to min-
imize new explanatory entities); scope (the
power to maximize the domain of application);
fruitfulness (the capability to generate future
hypotheses); fit (the compatibility with other
hypotheses); and, perhaps most important, em-
pirical fidelity (the ability to match the facts).
This last criterion was taken up and formal-
ized within the discipline of statistics from the
late nineteenth century. In the late 1920s, the
statisticians Jerzy Neyman (1894–1981) and
Egon Pearson (1895–1980) set out what was
to become the standard framework for statis-
tical hypothesis testing that proved so influen-
tial in geography. They provided step-by-step
procedures stipulating how to frame a hypoth-
esis and how to assess its empirical merit rig-
orously and precisely. Formulating the null
hypothesiswas step one. Accepting the conser-
vative supposition that it is better to assume
that one is wrong rather than right, the null
hypothesis stated the opposite of what one
believed to be correct. The remaining steps
then defined what was necessary in order ei-
ther to reject or accept the hypothesis for the
specified level of statistical significance.
The first widespread use of the Neyman–
Pearson procedures for statistical hypothesis
testing in geography occurred in the mid-
1950s, at the start of the Quantitative Revolu-
tion. This transformation of the geographical
agenda intospatial sciencewas also associated
with the introduction of formal theory, which
generated a plethora of hypotheses to be tested.
Newman (1973, p. 22) reports that in 1971, at
the height of the Quantitative Revolution, 26
per cent of all papers published in the top three
American geographical journals were con-
cerned with hypothesis testing. That seems im-
pressive, but Newman doubted whether many
of the authors understood what they were
doing, and whether they were doing it correctly.
The point became moot, however, as human
geographers increasingly abandoned formal hy-
pothesis testing, and the very vocabulary of a
hypothesis. But they have never lost sight of the
importance of ‘imagined ideas’. tb

Suggested reading
Harvey (1969, 100–6).

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