The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1


zonal model A model of intra-urban spatial
organization created by E.W. Burgess (1886–
1966: see Burgess, 1924), a leading member
of the 1920schicago schoolof sociologists.
To assist in understanding why certain types of
social problem were concentrated in particular
areas, he split an idealized city (based on
Chicago) into five zones (see figure), whose
dominant feature is the increase in an area’s
socio-economic status with distance from
the CBD (‘The Loop’ in Chicago). Growth

was propelled outwards from that point by
invasion and successionprocesses involving
new immigrants to the city, who established
homes in the ‘zone in transition’ and pressed
longer-established groups to move towards
thesuburbsand beyond. Burgess’ model was
complemented by Hoyt’s sectoral model
and combined with it to form amultiple
nuclei modelin work on urban residential
patterns. (cf.factorial ecology;social area
analysis). rj

zonalmodel Burgess’s zonal model(Park et al., 1925)

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