The Dictionary of Human Geography

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regime theory: regulating urban politics in a global
economy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 51–73.
Jessop, B. 1998: The narrative of enterprise and
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New York: Wiley, 77–99.
Jessop, B. 2000: Governance failure. In G.
Stoker, ed.,The new politics of British local gov-
ernance. London: Macmillan, 11–32.
Jessop, B. 2002:The future of the capitalist state.
Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Jessop, B. 2006: Spatial fixes, temporal fixes and
spatio-temporal fixes. In N. Castree and D.
Gregory, eds,David Harvey: a critical reader.
Oxford: Blackwell, 142–66.
Jessop, B. and Sum, N.-L. 2006:Beyond the regu-
lation approach: putting capitalist economies in
their place. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Jewitt, S. 2002:Environment, knowledge and gen-
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Johnson, N.C. 2003b:Ireland, the Great War and
the geography of remembrance. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge University Press.
Johnson, N.C. 2005: Locating memory: tracing
the trajectories of remembrance. Historical
Geography33: 165–79.
Johnson, N.C. 2006: Cultivating science and
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Cambridge’s botanical gardens.
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews31: 42–57.
Johnson, R., Chambers, D., Raghuram, P. and
Tincknell, E. 2004:The practice of cultural stud-
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Johnston, L. 2001: (Other) bodies and tourism
studies.Annals of Tourism Research28: 180–201.
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York: Praeger (also London: George Bell,
1971; New York: Praeger, 1972).
Johnston, R.J. 1978:Multivariate statistical analy-
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Johnston, R.J. 1983: Resource analysis, resource
management and the integration of physical
and human geography.Progress in Physical
Geography7: 127–46.
Johnston, R.J. 1984:Residential segregation, the
state and constitutional conflict in American urban
areas. Institute of British Geographers, Special
Publication 17. London: Academic Press.
Johnston, R.J., ed., 1985:The future of geography.
London: Methuen.
Johnston, R.J. 1986a: On human geography.
Oxford: Blackwell.

Johnston, R.J. 1986b [1983]:Philosophy and
human geography: an introduction to contempor-
ary approaches. London: Edward Arnold.
Johnston, R.J. 1994: The ‘quality industry’ in
British higher education and the AAG’s publi-
cations.The Professional Geographer46: 491–7.
Johnston, R.J. 1999: Geography, fairness and
liberal democracy. In J. Proctor and D.M.
Smith, eds, Geography andethics. London:
Routledge, 44–58.
Johnston, R.J. 2002: Census counts and appor-
tionment: the politics of representation in the
United States ... continued.Environment and
Planning D: Society and Space20: 619–28.
Johnston, R.J. 2003: The institutionalisation of
geography as an academic discipline. In R.J.
Johnston and M. Williams, eds,A century of
British geography. Oxford: Oxford University
Press for the British Academy, 45–91.
Johnston, R.J. 2005a: Anglo-American electoral
geography: same roots and same goals but dif-
ferent means and ends? The Professional
Geographer57: 580–7.
Johnston, R.J. 2005b: Geography – coming apart
at the seams? In N. Castree, A. Rogers and D.
Sherman, eds,Questioning geography: funda-
mental debates. Oxford: Blackwell, 9–25.
Johnston, R.J. 2005c: Regionalization and classi-
fication. In K. Kempf-Leonard, J. Heckman,
G. King and P. Tracy, eds,Encyclopaedia of
social measurement. New York: Elsevier, 337–50.
Johnston, R.J. 2005d: Review of D. Gregory,The
colonial present: Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq.
Annals of the Association of American Geogra-
phers95(3): 719–23.
Johnston, R.J. and Pattie, C.J. 2006:Putting voters
in their place: geography and elections in Great
Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Johnston, R.J. and Rossiter, D.J. 1982:
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and electoral bias in urban England. In D.T.
Herbert and R.J. Johnston, eds,Geography and
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Wiley, 113–56.
Johnston, R.J. and Sidaway, J. 2004a:Geography
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raphy since 1945, 6th edn. London: Hodder
Arnold (R.J. Johnston was sole author of the
first five editions).
Johnston, R.J. and Sidaway, J. 2004b: The trans-
Atlantic connection: ‘Anglo-American’ geog-
raphy reconsidered.GeoJournal, 59: 15–22.
Johnston, R.J., Forrest, J. and Poulson, M. 2001:
The geography of anEthniCity: residential seg-
regation of birthplace and language groups in
Sydney, 1996.Housing Studies16: 569–94.
Johnston, R.J., Burgess, S., Wilson, D. and
Harris, R. 2006: School and residential
segregation: an analysis of variations across
England’s Local Education Authorities.
Regional Studies40: 973–90.

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