The Dictionary of Human Geography

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Comp. by: LElumalai Stage : Revises1 ChapterID: 9781405132879_4_C Date:31/3/09
Time:21:45:53 Filepath://ppdys1108/BlackwellCup/00_Blackwell/00_3B2/Gregory-

Suggested reading
Lohia (1964).

catastrophe theory A branch of ‘bifurcation
theory’, which is itself a branch of non-linear
dynamic systems theory. Bifurcation theory
studies how, in certain non-linear systems,
there may be paths and shifts in behaviour
dependent on small changes in circumstances
or the current position of the system. One type
is the sudden jump or catastrophe, where a
dramatic change results from a small change
in the parameters. Other forms of bifurcation
include ‘hysteresis’, where the reverse path to
some point is not the same as the original path,
and ‘divergence’, where a small change leads
the system towards a very different state (but
not in a ‘jump’).
Bifurcation and catastrophe theory were
developed by the French mathematician
Rene ́ Thom in the early 1970s (Thom,
1975). Inhuman geography, several studies
suggested that it could be used to understand
settlement pattern changes, both in terms of
the sudden emergence and growth of cities
and the sudden collapse of layers in a central
place system (for a review of these and other
studies, see Wilson, 1981). The difficulty with
these, and with many other suggested applica-
tions in the social sciences, is that they were
speculative and one had to assume particular
non-linear relationships and parameters to
generate a system subject to catastrophes,
and the perspective has not been as productive
as many originally hoped. The most detailed
and analytical developments in human geog-
raphy have been those by Wilson, which add
dynamics in the classic retail,gravityand
urban structure models and explore potential
bifurcations. Like its relativechaos theory,
catastrophe theory is now treated as part of the
widercomplexity theory. lwh

Suggested reading
Wilson (1981).

categorical data analysis A family ofquan-
titative methodsin which the variables are
gauged at a low scale ofmeasurement. Such
variables may be binary categories (male/
female; rich/poor), ordered multiple categories
(as in a Likert scale such as, unhappy, neutral,
happy), unordered multiple categories (travel
to work by car, foot, train, cycle), or a count
(the number of crimes in an area). Such data
often arise throughsurvey analysisin which
answers to questions are limited to a number of
categories. Until the 1970s, analysis of such

data was limited to simple description in a
cross-tabulation, testing for independence of
variables through such procedures as chi-
square, and assessing association with a range
of measures ofcorrelationsuch as Cramer’s
Vand Yule’sQ. More recently, a full-scale
modelling approach has been developed for
such data in a regression-like framework.
Allregressionmodels consist of three com-
ponents: the response or outcome variable; a
function of the predictor or explanatory vari-
ables; and a random term that represents the
stochasticvariation in the outcome variable
that is not accounted for by the predictors. In a
standard regression model the response is a
continuous variable that is related to the pre-
dictors in a linear (straight-line) fashion (the
so-called ‘identity link’). With such a continu-
ous outcome, the random term is usually
assumed to follow a normal distribution and
is summarized by an estimate of the unex-
plained variation, such as the variance. In cat-
egorical data analysis, in what are known as
generalized linear models, the response is
not continuous but discrete, the link between
outcome and predictors is non-linear, and
the random distribution is not normal but
takes an appropriate distribution, depending
on the scale of measurement of the dependent
A number of key members of the family are
defined by different types of measurement for
the response variable. One that is binary or a
proportion with a relatively small absolute
denominator (e.g. the unemployment rate for
small areas) requires a logit link and a bino-
mial distribution; this is known as the logit
regression model. Multiple categories are usu-
ally analysed with logit link and a multinomial
distribution. Responses which are counts are
usually analysed with a logarithmic link and a
Poisson distribution: this is known as thepois-
son regression model. Such models also
offer a very flexible approach tolongitudinal
data analysis, called discrete time analysis, in
which the response is whether or not an event
(e.g. marriage/separation/divorce) occurred in
a specified time-period.
This model-based approach allows assess-
ment of the relationship between an outcome
and a predictor variable (which may be con-
tinuous or categorical), taking account of
other predictor variables. It is possible to test
for relationships, derive overall goodness-of-fit
measures and use diagnostic tools as part of
exploratory data analysis for assessing
whether the model’s assumptions have been
met. There is now a wide range ofsoftware

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