The Dictionary of Human Geography

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Sklair, L. 2001:The transnational capitalist class.
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Slater, D. 1992: On the borders of social theory:
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Slater, D. 1997: Spatialities of power and post-
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encounters. Environment and Planning D:
Society and Space15: 55–72.
Slater, D. 1999: Situating geopolitical represen-
tations: Inside/outside and the power of imper-
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Slater, D. 2002: Other domains of democratic
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Society and Space20: 255–76.
Slater, D. 2004:Geopolitics and the postcolonial:
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Slaymaker, O. and Spencer, T. 1998:Physical
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Sletto, B. 2002: Boundary making and regional
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Environment and Planning D: Society and
Space20: 183–208.

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Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
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Sluyter, A. 2001: Colonialism and landscape in
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Smith, A. 2002a: Imagining geographies of the
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Smith, A. 2003a: Power relations, industrial clus-
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Smith, C.J. and Giggs, J.A., eds, 1988:Location
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