The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Braudel, Fernand
Annales School 30
cultural geography 130
integration 388
Braun, Bruce
environmental history 200
process 587
Braverman, H.
labour process 406
Taylorism 742
industrial district 376
World Social Forum
(WSF) 812
Brenner, N. 304
Brenner, Robert
Brenner thesis 55, 56
Marxist economics 445
Brenner thesis55–6
feudalism 250
Postan thesis 560
Breton, Andre ́ 597
Bretton Woods system
Africa, idea of 11
growth theory 321
International Monetary Fund
(IMF) 390
multilateralism 482
NIDL 500
tariff 741
World Trade Organization
(WTO) 812
Bridge, G. 50
Briggs, J. 374
Brigham, Albert 408
British colonies 145
British Dominions 488
British Garden City
Movement 267
British Household Panel
Survey 670
British National Party 242
Brock, W. 110
Brookfield, H. 44
Brosseau, M. 420
Brosses, Charles de 39
Brown, Gordon 12
Brown, M. 680
Brundson, C.
Bayesian analysis 44
geographically weighted
regression (GWR) 286–7
Brundtland Commission 738
Brundtland Report 739
Brunhes, Jean 199
B’Tselem.SeeIsraeli Center for
Human Rights
Buchanan, James 598
Buddhism 661
buffer states 326
Buffon, Georges-Louis
Leclerc 616
Bunge, William
activism 5

central place theory 76
children 80
geography 290
logical positivism 430
metaphor 456
radical geography 619
science/science studies 667
spatial separatism 715
urban exploration 784
Burawoy, Michael
ethnography 218
participant observation 520
Bu ̈rger, P. 470
Burgess, Ernest
Chicago School 79
human ecology 349
segregation, measurement
of 675
Sjoberg model 685, 686
zonal model 815
Burgess, Jacquelin
environmental economics 198
psychoanalytic theory 596
values 797
Burke, Edmund
culture 136
mimesis 466
Burke, Kenneth 655
Burt, T. 369
Burton, I.
idiographic 368
quantitative methods 607
resource 648
Buruma, I. 508
Bush, George W. and
conflict 106
geopolitics 301
multilateralism 483
nomos 502
patriarchy 522
Pax Americana 523
power 576
territorial integrity 744
central business district
outsourcing 515–6
Butler, Judith
body 51
epistemology 206
foundationalism 262
gender 268–9
hazard 325
identity 365
performativity 526
post-structuralism 572
space 709
Butler, R.W. 647
butterfly effect 78
Buttimer, Anne
humanistic geography 357
lifeworld 418

values 797
Butz, D. 604
Byres, Terry 15

CACI 276
cadastral mapping 57
governable space 312
map 437
California 373
Callard, Felicity
psychoanalytic theory 596
subject/subjectivity 728
Callinicos, A. 698
Callon, Michel
actor-network theory
(ANT) 6, 7
science/sciencestudies 667
Cambridge Group for the History
of Population 332
Cambridge School 727
Cambridge University 498
Cameron, A. 691
bare life (‘naked life’) 42
holocaust 337
refugees 629
sovereign power 706
Campbell, Donald T. 225
Campbell, George Douglas,
Duke of Argyll 407
Campbell Collaboration 225
assimilation 39
human rights 355
immigration 371, 372
multiculturalism 481
rights 656
settler society 679
Canada Geographical
Information System
(CGIS) 281
Canada–USA Free Trade
Agreement 766
Canadian Ministry of
Agriculture 281
Canadian Mounties 782
accumulation 3
agricultural geography 17
capitalism 59
class 89
community 104
convergence, regional 114
core–periphery model 116
cost structure 118
cultural capital 127
economic growth 182
economic integration 182
equilibrium 209
factors of production 237–8
flows 257
gentrification 274
global cities/world cities 305
growth theory 321–2

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