The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Certeau, Michel de
everyday life 224, 225
taken-for-granted world 741
Ce ́saire, Aime ́ 96
Chadwick, A. 201
chain migration 78
Chinatown 82
ethnicity 216
invasion and succession 395
migration 463
Chakrabarty, Dipesh
case study 72
subaltern studies 727
Chakravorty, S. 786
Chambers, J.D. 20
Chambers, R. 374
Chang, Ha-Joon 238
Changing Urban and Regional
System (CURS) 425
chaos theory 78
catastrophe theory 73
complexity theory 105
environmental history 200
fractal 263
Grand Theory 316
chaotic conception 2
Chari, S. 604–6
Charlton, M.
geocomputation 275
geographically weighted
regression (GWR) 286–7
Chase-Dunn, Christopher 304
Chatterjee, Partha
post-development 563
subaltern studies 727
Chatterton, P. 28
Chavez, Cesar 201
Chavez, Hugo 414
Chavis, Ben 203
Chayanov, A.V. 16
Cheˆng Ho 230
Chernobyl nuclear disaster 658
Chicago Boys (Chilean
economists) 442
Chicago School78–80
capitalism 63
case study 72
city 86
community 103
crime 120
cultural ecology 128
cultural geography 131
ethnicity 214, 216
ethnoburb 217
ethnography 218
geodemographics 276
geography, history of 299
ghetto 303
human ecology 349
immigration 372
inner city 383, 384
invasion and succession 395
Kantianism 400
Los Angeles School 432

metaphor 456
mobility 467
moral geographies 479
neighbourhood 494
participant observation 519
political economy 548
quantitative revolution 611
red-light districts 625
segregation 673, 674
segregation, measurement
of 675
Sjoberg model 685
urban ecology 783
urban geography 784, 785,
urban nature 788
urbanism 791
urbanization 793
zonal model 815
Chidester, D. 661
Childe, Vere Gordon 788, 789
ageing 13
demography 153
education 186–7
equality 208
mental maps/cognitive
maps 455
social geography 693
Chile 442
acid rain 4
agrarian question 16
anti-development 31
Asia (idea of) 37
development 156
economic integration 183
industrialization 380
neo-liberalism 497
post-socialism 571
regional geography 633
slavery 687
socialism 700
suburb/anization 732
Chinatown (general)81–2
Chinatown (Vancouver, British
Columbia) 730
Chirol, Valentine 460
Chisholm, George
commercial geography 98
economic geography 178–80
industrial geography 377
Chisholm, M. 271
public choice theory 598
rational choice theory620–1
cholera 517
Chomsky, Noam 570
Chorley, Richard
abstraction 2
ecosystem 186
Grand Theory 315, 316
model 468
physical geography 535–6

quantitative revolution 611
trend surface analysis 775
areal differentiation 35
cultural geography 130
geography 288
morphology 479
philosophy 530
regional geography 632
sequent occupance 677
war 804
choropleth 83
cartogram 66
cartography 68
class interval 89
information theory 382
map 437
Chou En-lai 795
Chouinard, Vera
critical rationalism 125
law 415
Chrisman, Nicholas 281
Christaller, Walter
central place theory 76, 77
holocaust 338
location theory 426
locational analysis 428
Europe, idea of 222
just war 397
race 615
Cold War 93
Middle East, idea of 460
c.i.f. (cost, insurance,
freight) 579
circuit of culture 136
circulation 273
rural–urban continuum 660
sectoral model 671
alterity 24
barrio 42
boundary 55
carceral geographies 65
colonialism 97
decolonization 146
ethnic democracy 214
gated communities 268
home 341
immigration 372
liberalism 417
local–global relations 424
militarism 464
multiculturalism 481
nationalism 488
nation-state 490
public space 602
radical democracy 618
rights 657
shadow state 681

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