The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

social geography 692
social justice 694
social reproduction 697
society 702
space-economy 711
subaltern studies 727
subject/subjectivity 728
taken-for-granted world 741
trust 778
universalism 782
urban geography 785
urban social movement 790,
whiteness 810
world-systems analysis 813
class formation 335
class interval 83,89–90
class-divided societies 760
classical age
episteme 206
representation 646
classification and
regionalization 90
geocomputation 276
geodemographics 276–7
Geographic Information
Science (GISc) 279
heuristic 331
Kantianism 399
neural networks 499
race 615–16
regional geography 633
sequence analysis 677
structuration theory 726
Claval, Paul 35
Clawson, D. 413
Clements, Frederic E.
Darwinism 142
ecology 176
Clementsian ecology 128
Cliff, Andrew D.
diffusion 160
regional geography 633
spatial autocorrelation 712
Clifford, J. 218
colonialism 97
cultural geography 130
empire 190
explanation 229
global warming 308
imperialism 373
tropicality 777
water 807
climatology 49
Clinton, Bill 754
Cloke, P. 643
Closed Circuit Television
(CCTV) 734
Cloud, J. 69
Club of Rome 418
cluster design
sampling 663

survey analysis 736
communication(s) 102
crime 120
external economies 235
flexible accumulation 257
geocomputation 275
geodemographics 277
geographical analysis machine
(GAM) 281
growth pole 320
innovation 384
investment 395
knowledge economy 401
learning regions 416
Los Angeles School 432
post-Fordism 564
producer services 587
production complex 589
transaction costs 768
world-systems analysis 814
Coase, Ronald
capitalism 63
location theory 427
market 440, 443
cocaine 486
Cochrane, Archie 225
Cochrane Collaboration 225
Cockburn, Alex 545
Cockburn, C. 423
co-evolution 92
co-fabrication 92
Cohen, George 27
Cohen, Gerald A. 42
Cohen, J. 664
Cohen, S. 302
Cohendet, P. 667
coherence 662
life table 418
longitudinal data analysis
(LDA) 431, 432
population projection 555
COHORT measures 249
Coker, C. 805
Coker, John 420
Colby, C.C. 76
Cold War 93
area studies 35
Asian miracle/tigers 38
border 52
development 155
domination 172
emigration 188
environmental hazard 198
environmental security 204
existentialism 228
geopolitics 301
Green Revolution 317
growth theory 321
heartland 326
Internet 391
Kantianism 401
Middle East, idea of 460

military geography 465
nation-state 489
post-development 563
refugees 628, 629
regional alliance 632
remote sensing (RS) 643
resource wars 650
Second World 670
security 672
South, the 704, 705
stages of growth 720
Third World 754
war 804
Cole, J.P. 608
Cole, Juan 460
Coleman, A. 149
Coleman, James 689
collective consumption93–4
city 86
local state 423
public finance 598
public services 601
urban social movement 790
collective socialization 111
Collier, Paul 107
collinearity 94
general linear model
(GLM) 271
principal components analysis
(pca) 582
Collingwood, R.G. 364
colonial expansion
exploration 233
uneven development 781
Colonial Offices 146
aboriginality 1
Africa, idea of 10–11
apartheid 33
Asia (idea of) 37
barrio 42
carceral geographies 64
cartography, history of 69
caste 72
Chinatown 82
city 86
civilization 87
climate 91
contrapuntal geographies 113
critical geopolitics 123
cultural landscape 133
division of labour 170
domestication 171
dual economy 173
empire 190
enclosure 192
epistemology 207
ethnicity 216
Eurocentrism 220
existentialism 228
exploration 232
frontier thesis 265
genocide 273

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