The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Convention on the Regulation of
Aerial Navigation 798
Convention on the Rights of the
Child (CRC) 355
Convention on Trade in
Endangered Species
(CITES) 108
Convention Related to the Status
of Refugees 628–9
convergence, regional114–15
equilibrium 209
uneven development 780
convergence rate 758
hermeneutics 329
neighbourhood effect 495
pragmatism 578
conversation analysis
(CA) 219–20
conversion through
conversation 495
Conzen, M.R.G. 764
Cook, I.
anarchism 27
situated knowledge 684
Cook, James
Austral(as)ia, idea of 39
exploration 231, 232
falsification 239
situated knowledge 684
Cooke, Phil 386
Cooper, Frederick
decolonization 146
ethnography 218
subaltern studies 728
co-operative 115
agrarian question 16
fair trade 238
populism 556
Cope, Edward 407
Copernicus, Nicolaus
cosmography 117
science/science studies 666
Copjec, J. 701
Coppock, J.T. 642
Corbridge, Stuart 62
core 138
core–periphery model115–16
agrarian question 16
commodity chain/filiere 101
convergence, regional 115
dependency theory 154
development 156
division of labour 170
gender and development 269
global cities/world cities 305
political ecology 546
post-development 563
world-systems analysis 814
Coronil, Fernando
Occidentalism 508
transculturation 768
corporate reformation 733
corporatization116, 241

correlation 116
categorical data analysis 73
ecological fallacy 174
factor analysis 237
general linear model
(GLM) 271
location theory 426
longitudinal data analysis
(LDA) 432
modifiable areal unit problem
(maup) 475
multi-level models 483
quantitative methods 608
regression 639
significance test 682
correspondence networks 667
Cosgrove, Denis
cartography 69
everyday life 223
imagination 282
landscape 409
model 469
globe 311
spatial science 715
cosmology 642
border 53
diaspora 159
ethics 212
Europe, idea of 223
globalization 310
globe 311
humanism 356
Kantianism 400
multilateralism 483
philosophy 531
spatial identity 713
opportunity costs 513
sampling 662
sunk costs 733
transaction costs767–8
transport costs 773
cost structure118, 769
cost-benefit analysis118–19
economies of scale 183
economies of scope 184
externalities 235
Couclelis, H. 275, 276
Council of the Indies 97
counterfactuals 119
counter-urbanization 119
back-to-the-city movement 41
centrifugal and centripetal
forces 78
decentralization 144
green belt 317
rural planning 660
and Cultural Rights 355
Cox, K.R.
electoral geography 187

effect 264
Coylton, East Devon 331
Craft, A.W. 275
Cramer’sV 73
Crang, M. 604–6
creative destruction 119
creative field 416
‘creole nationalisms’ 488
Cresswell, T.
film 253
transgression 770
Crewe, L. 654
crime 120
camp 57
carceral geographies 64
Chicago School 79
class 88
conflict commodities 107
defensible space 149
domination 172
famine 240
ghetto 303
policing 544
prisons 582–3
rational choice theory 621
social geography 693
urban and regional
planning 782
welfare geography 807
Crime Prevention Through
Environmental Design
(CPTED) 149
crisis120–1, 121
capitalism 64
city 86
development 156
feudalism 250
fiscal crisis 255
Green Revolution 318
limits to growth 418
restructuring 651
tariff 741
time–space compression 757
Crissman, Lawrence 81
Critical Discourse Analysis
(CDA) 167
critical geography
American empire 25
feminist geographies 245
social justice 695
topography 762
critical geopolitics121–3
Cold War 93
conflict 106
cultural geography 132
deconstruction 148
empire 190
geography 295
human geography 351, 353
political geography 550
post-structuralism 572
security 672
territorial integrity 744

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