The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

regional cycles 632
simulation 683
social network 696
sport(s) 718
time–space convergence 758
digital cartography162–3
analogue 26–7
cartography 67
Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) 280
map 434
digital elevation models
(DEMs) 162, 163
digital cartography 162
geocoding 275
Internet 392
Dilthey, Wilhelm 328, 329
Dion, Roger 654
direct violence 798
directly productive activity
(DPA) 382
behavioural geography 45
body 51, 52
cultural geography 132
difference 159
medical geography 452
recognition 623
social geography 693
society 702
subject/subjectivity 728
urban geography 785
disability geography 13
disciplinary power165–6
bare life (‘naked life’) 41
genealogy 270
governmentality 314
ideology 367
Panopticon 517
post-structuralism 572
sport(s) 718
surveillance 733
war 804
American empire 25
anti-development 31
colonialism 95
critical geopolitics 122
critical human geography 123
cultural economy 129
Enlightenment 194
epistemology 207
exploration 232
fertility 249
film 254
focus group 258
gender 268
imagination 283–4
geography 292
geography, history of 296, 297
globalization 308
human agency 348

human geography 354
idealism 364
ideology 368
imperialism 374
industrial district 376
interviews and
interviewing 394
landscape 410
language 411
Middle East, idea of 460
Orientalism 513
outsourcing 516
philosophy 531
populism 556
positivism 559
post-colonialism 562
post-development 562
post-Marxism 566
post-structuralism 572
power 576
primitivism 581–2
qualitative methods 605
queer theory 613
structuralism 725
text 750, 751
textuality 751
theory 751
Third World 754
travel writing 774
urban geography 787
vision and visuality 801
visual methods 802
discourse analysis167–8
economic geography 180
performativity 527
post-structuralism 572
discovery view 422
cosmopolitanisms 310
discrete choice model 795
equality 208
ghetto 303
labour market 405
prisons 583
underclass 779
discrimination, positive.See
positive discrimination
disease, diffusion of 168
biosecurity 49
climate 91
diffusion 161–2
epidemic 205–6
epidemiology 206
friction of distance 264
medical geography 451–2
Poisson regression models 544
regional cycles 632
space-time forecasting
models 711
virus 800
Disneyfication168, 682
Disneyland 168

apartheid 33
primitive accumulation 581
distance decay168–9, 169
Alonso model 23
bid-rent curve 46
density gradient 154
diffusion 160
friction of distance 264
gravity model 317
intervening opportunities 393
population potential 554
process 586
public goods 600
public services 601
quantitative methods 607–8
retailing 654
transport costs 773
von Thu ̈nen model 803
districting algorithm 169
classification and
regionalization 90
electoral geography 188
gerrymandering 303
districts, districting
central business district
gerrymandering 303
industrial district375–6
racial districting 617
redistricting 626
red-light districts 625
biodiversity 46
determinism 197
ruralgeography 659
division of labour169–70
areal differentiation 35
capitalism 60
city 85
competitive advantage 105
economic growth 182
exchange 227
household 346
human geography 351
industrialization 380
knowledge economy 401
labour process 406
New International Division of
NIDL 500–1
peasant 524
proto-industrialization 595
regional geography 635
restructuring 653
social area analysis 689
sunbelt/snowbelt 732
Taylorism 742
transaction costs 768
urban system 791
urbanism 791
divorce 621
Dixon, D.P. 207
DNA 349, 350

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