Monsters are unpredictable, untamed, and yes, uncouth!
You can take the Frankenstein out of the Rotting Windmill but you can’t take...
well, you get the idea. They are simply not looking for ways to win friends
and influence people. It’s no secret. Monsters are beastly, that’s why they’re
called “Monsters!”
Vampires are also a challenge. Aside from keeping you up nights, feeding time
requires a large and... “understanding” family. And Zombies? Face it, they’re
“rotten” pets when it comes to recreation. In a game of Zombie Football,
hearing “hand off at the fifty-yard line” is nothing to cheer about.
But things are fine as long as kids can keep their Monsters somewhat under
control – no Creatures from the Netherworld chewing up the furniture, Ogres
chasing down the mail carrier, or smelly Sasquatches sneaking into Mom and
Dad’s bed during a stormy night.
You see, even though the hours are good, and the fright work comes naturally,
it is sometimes hard for Monsters to shake those latent, time-honored
inclinations to rampage a village. And frankly, they don’t really try. WWee’’llll bbee
mmeeeettiinngg aa wwiiddee vvaarriieettyy ooff tthheessee MMoonnsstteerrss, some who speak, some who can’t, and
some who grunt convincingly. The various episodes will occasionally focus
on a few select Monsters like :
Figure 6.1 Continued