
(Ben Green) #1
because, like himself, they cannot touch the Pan Ku Box (for

that task, he is stuck with the Enforcers). But as for “the

girl,” Shendu cryptically suggests that “matters will take

their course... .”

Back at UNCLE’S, Jade “practices” ninja maneuvers with a

silent Shadowkhan (i.e., he is “training” her in ninja moves,

the way Jackie teaches her Kung Fu). As she does, she casu-

ally tries to convince Jackie that the ninjas are harmless—

clearly, it all depends on who’s controlling them; and Jade’s

using them only for good. After all, they HELPED JACKIE—

twice! She even points out that they gave Tohru a fair

shake, why not the ninjas? But despite her casual demeanor,

it’s obvious to Jackie, Uncle, and Tohru (who “play along,”

while wide-eyed at the weirdness) that Jade is undergoing

an odd transformation: her skin has turned a Shadowkhany

shade of BLUE (Jackie has her look in a mirror, but Jade

shrugs, “So? Blue’s my favorite color”). Jackie won’t have

it; he orders her not to summon the ninjas again until Uncle

has found a way to remove the tattoo.

Before Jade can retort, Uncle cries, “Hot Cha!” He has dis-

covered an “ANTIDOTE POTION” that should wipe the tattoo

144 Animation Writing and Development

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