can it be expanded? The key to expansion is the antagonist or antagonists. Who is
so different from the hero that conflict is inevitable? Who are possible villains?
What is the hero going to learn by running up against them? How could the con-
flict build? How can the potential consequences for the hero build? What is the
villain hiding that might come out later? A story builds by adding surprises and
new information.
Is this premise such a unique, personal vision of the writer that it gives the audi-
ence a special experience? Does this experience change them and give them some-
thing that they can take home with them? Did the writer write from his soul, simply
and beautifully, telling a great story we want to see? If others beside the writer feel
that this is an exceptional story as told, then this might be the best way to tell this
story, even if a few of the rules have been broken. But do reevaluate the script to
be sure that following the rules wouldn’t make it even better.
Is the premise believable? Is the basic action and goal of the hero believable?
Have you avoided splintering the story into two or more unrelated tales? Do the
subplots tie in so tightly that the main story would be diminished without them?
Does the continuity of the story flow logically and smoothly? Can some scenes or
characters be combined with others to tighten and improve the story? Any
nonessentials to moving the story ahead should be edited out in later rewrites.
Is the story focused so that you can see the reason for it? What’s the central con-
flict? Who fights whom about what? What are the moral choices that the hero must
make at each turn of the plot?
Does it have a greater theme or issue that develops from the premise? Is this
expressed through character and action, rather than dialogue? No sermons! Do
images and symbols help convey and expand the theme? Did you use analogy? Is
every frame focused back on that theme? Filmgoers want a movie that is really
about something.
Do you have a universal theme? Will most of the audience be able to identify with
this theme?
Is this a really fascinating location or area of interest?
Has this arena been researched thoroughly so that the details seem authentic and
intriguing? Has the time period been researched well?
- The protagonist, hero, heroine, or star
Who’s the most interesting character in this story? The main character should
always be the most intriguing. If the main character isn’t, make the change.
There should only be one main hero or heroine.
Is your heroine actively engaged in reaching her goal? The heroine should never
be passive. She is not a victim. She is not merely reacting to the villain. It’s the
Editing and Rewriting 265