If the story is feature length, is there a subplot? The subplot may mirror the main
action plot, but it’s seen through another character’s eyes. Or the subplot may be
a character-driven plot with the main plot an action plot.
Does the subplot add to the story? Does it intersect and give more dimension to
the main plot?
Is there a full and clear structure to the subplot? Does it start as it should after the
main plot, interweave, and remain less important than the main plot? Does it
resolve close to the climax of the main plot? Do we see then how it ties into the
main plot?
Are all the scenes absolutely necessary? If we cut one, will the story still be clear?
Will we still understand why the characters are doing what they must do?
Can any scenes be combined? Would a scene be more effective in another
Does each scene set up new questions or unresolved action to hook the audience
so they’ll want to watch until the end?
Does each scene build?
Have you started your scenes as late as possible and ended them as quickly as
Do all the scenes have as much conflict as can be packed into them? As much action
(except where inappropriate)?
Are any scenes too thin? Each scene should be doing all the following at the same
time with style:
Characterizing the people
Creating a physical world
Giving a narrative motion
Whetting anticipation
Creating and resolving mystery
Do the characters do things in an original way? Or is there a more interesting way
of putting across the same information?
Is the correct character driving the action of that scene with their needs?
Have you made each sequence the very best it can be?
Can you make the script funnier without hurting the story?
Editing and Rewriting 271