
(Ben Green) #1


  1. Take the idea that you’ve been developing for television and develop it instead for a
    feature film. Remember to add a subplot. Write a treatment.

  2. Do you think your feature project would make money? Why?

  3. Discuss how you might make your feature project better known before you try to get

  4. Make a list of animated features that have been released lately. Do research on box office
    figures for each. Which ones were successful? Why?

  5. What do you personally like to see in an animated feature? Talk to several kids. What
    did they like about the most recent animated films?

  6. Who buys the tickets for animated films in your neighborhood? Take an informal survey.

  7. How would you develop your short into a feature?

  8. Make a list of animation festivals around the world that might accept the entry of an
    independent animated feature or an animated short. Designate which festivals will accept
    which (or both).

The Animated Feature 285
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