- Watch cartoons. Start an index card on each writer, story editor, and development person
you find. Normally, development people are not listed in the credits. How will you find
out more about them? - Write a sample script. Be fresh. Make it the very best you can. Write in a different genre
from what you already have. - Research animation agents and compile the class results. Make up a directory that can
be photocopied and handed out in class. - What are networks and production companies buying today? Do some research on the
Internet or in the library. - Invite an animation writer or a development executive to speak to your class.
- Join an animation organization like ASIFA (worldwide) or Women in Animation.
- Check out AWN. Join in some of the discussion forums.
- Conduct a class discussion about the most popular animation series in your area. Can
you see international trends? Where are these programs being produced? Animation
seems to cycle in employment opportunities. How is it doing currently? How can you
make a living during the down cycles?
318 Animation Writing and Development