2-D animation 2, 8, 204
3-D animation 2, 3, 8–9, 85
action/adventure 53, 55, 87, 111,
177, 183–184, 195, 288, 292,
293, 315
structure elements 288
actor 2–3, 8, 51, 54, 59, 66, 72, 165,
197, 198, 202–203, 276, 284,
291, 305
acts 111–113, 323
Act I 111–113, 130, 135–140, 205,
208–219, 266, 268–269, 283
Act II 111–113, 130, 132,
140–145, 205, 220–230,
269–270, 283
Act III 111–113, 130, 145–150,
231–258, 270
adaptations and spinoffs 80, 277,
adult animation 11, 81, 284,
291–292, 294, 296, 297–299
agents 87, 88, 284, 297, 309, 310,
311, 305, 306
analogy 265, 268
animatic 3, 276, 291, 294, 323
animation 7, 8–9, 10–11, 13–14, 155,
157, 163, 168, 170, 171, 177, 205
definition 1
industry 11
limited 1, 17, 23, 24, 26–27, 189,
production 2–11
time line 14–38
traditional 7, 8, 10–11, 14, 165,
168, 203, 272–273, 275, 278,
324, 327, 330, 334, 335, 336
use of medium 1, 182, 186,
188–189, 192, 273
(The) Animation Guild 174
Animation Magazine 82
Animation World Network(AW N)
82, 174
job of 7, 8–9, 10–11, 37, 72, 168,
183, 188–189
anime 19, 26, 27–28, 288, 292, 306,
approval rights 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 84, 120,
129, 154, 155, 201
arena/location 79, 85, 114, 119, 130,
133, 265, 310, 323
ASIFA 23–24
baby animation 34, 288, 305
background design 3, 4–5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
11, 77, 78, 79, 80, 84, 155, 156,
158, 159–160, 163, 167,
170–171, 172, 188, 204, 205,
277, 283, 291
backstory 63–65, 71, 72, 268–269,
324, 330
battle 65, 113, 114, 121, 125–126,
130, 132, 148–149, 205,
244–257, 262, 270, 283
beats 324
comedy 183
pause 170
rhythmic 183, 196, 325
story 129, 131–132, 154, 175
bible 324
How To Care For Your Monster
presentation 73, 77, 84, 85, 87,
88, 89–108, 290, 310, 311,
324, 326, 331
writer’s 118, 316, 324
branding 83
animation 3, 7, 324
story 131–132, 276, 324
button 183, 197, 324
camera 7, 8–9, 153–173, 201, 330,
334, 336
axis illustration 164
Camera Shots-Cheat Sheet
directions 129, 130, 153–173,
177, 201, 202–204, 275
capper 183, 324
cast list 202
catalyst 112, 121, 130, 131, 176,
183, 205, 268, 283, 324, 331
central question 268, 324
CGI 3, 5, 8–9, 10–11, 20, 22, 36, 37,
38, 79, 165, 166, 168, 202, 204,
272, 275, 278, 329, 332, 335
character 59–73
action/adventure 288
animated live 72
animation of 1, 3, 7, 8–9, 10, 14,
70, 72
arc 115, 262, 269, 325
avoiding negative stereotypes
61–62, 120
behavioral tags 67, 324
change 68, 70, 72, 79, 112, 115,
262, 266, 268, 325
comedy 40, 60–61, 66–67, 70,
114, 117, 172, 182, 184–189,
192, 197, 279, 288, 291
designs 3–4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 59, 69,
70, 72, 73, 77, 78, 79, 80, 84,
155, 156–158, 188, 276, 291
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