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Chapter 8

planforlifefollowingthedeathof aspouse.
Core Tasks: Conflict-Compromise and
Contract.Communication is essential in
facilitating theconflictandcompromise
task of the later years.Older couples
compromise more,appear to have less
conflict in their communication,and
display more affectionate behavior during
conflict than middle or younger couples
(Henry,Berg,Smith,& Florsheim,2007).
Couples in this stage of the marital cycle
often deal with fears of losing their
independence and productivity.They may
need to find new ways to redirect their
interests and abilities.For example,many
people in their later years foster an
outward focus by becoming active in
community or church volunteer efforts.
Thecontracttask in the later years
involves supporting one another’s
attempts to find meaning,as well as jointly
celebrating one another’s cumulative
achievements.One of the difficulties older
adults encounter,according to Ingersol-
Dayton and Krause (2005),is when they
do not accept the past and they become
self-critical and incapable of accepting
their limitations and imperfections.Both
partners in this stage should continue to
strive for fulfillment and satisfaction in

life.They can be instrumental in
supporting one another in this effort.In
addition,couples can reach out in joint
grief work to others who have lost a
spouse (Nichols & Pace-Nichols,1993).

Well-Being in the Later Years

According to the Census Bureau,about
one in every eightAmericans is elderly
(over 65).This number will continue to
grow as the baby boomers leave the
midlife stage and enter their later years
(Hetzel & Smith,2001).By 2030,the
number of people 65 and older will
double from the number of older people
in 2000,and will represent 20% of the
population (U.S.Department of Health
and Human Services,2004).
So what is old?A survey of over 3000
adults of all ages found that among

Older Americans are living longer and enjoying greater
prosperity than any previous generation.
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