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Chapter 10

spending, they often waste their money on
frivolous purchases (wants) without even
realizing it. Then they find themselves
unable to meet their fixed monthly expenses
(needs).A budget helps to curtail extraneous
purchases by providing accountability for
money spent. For example, if you realize you
have only $50 available for food expenses
that week, you might decide to forgo that $4
specialty cup of coffee.

Control Unplanned Spending

Impulse buying is a major budget
crusher. Unfortunately, we live in a culture
of “instant gratification.”We see something
we want and we want itnow. We justify
this, of course. Sometimes a price “just
can’t be beat.” However, we take a beating
later when we can’t pay our bills. Make it a
policy to avoid buying anything on
impulse. Go home, sleep on it, and see if it
is still important to you the following day.
Rarely is the “must-have” item as attractive
the next morning. If it is, then work it into
your budget.
Before you make an unplanned
purchase, ask yourself these questions:

If the item is something you want,
rather than something you need, wait to
buy it until you have given the purchase
more thought. If the product is useful and
necessary, and if it doesn’t interfere with
meeting your monthly obligations, then
you can justify your purchase.

Avoid Comparing Yourself to Others

People often fall into the trap of
comparing themselves to others. They
compare their homes, cars, salaries, job
positions, clothing, and even their
children. When you compare yourself to
others, you generally arrive at 1 of these 3

Scripture is full of warnings against the
pitfalls of comparison. The Apostle Paul
told the Galatians,“Do your own work
well, and then you will have something to
be proud of. But don’t compare yourself
with others” (Galatians 6:4 CEV). He was
a bit more adamant with the Corinthians:
“Their trouble is that they are only
comparing themselves with each other
and measuring themselves against their

  • Is the purchase useful in some way?

  • Is it simply a “feel good” purchase?

  • Is the item serving as some sort of

    1. I am better than that person.

    2. That person is better than I am.

    3. I wish I could be like that person,
      or, I wish I could have what that
      person has.

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