Jesus said, “Moses provided for divorce as a concession
to your hardheartedness, but it is not part of God’s original plan.”
—Matthew 19:8 MSG
ur contemporary culture tends to view almost everything, including relationships
and marriage, as disposable. This hedonistic attitude of “me first” permeates our
society and endangers many of our social and religious norms. Under the popular
philosophical system of utilitarianism, the highest good appears to be what works forme
now. Therefore, people fall in and out of “love,” slipping in and out of relationships almost
as often as they change clothing styles. Certainly, this is not what God intended when He
ordained marriage. We must remember marriage was God’s idea, not ours.
All divorce is hurtful, even the most civilized and “friendly” divorce. When a man and
woman marry, they become one—a mystical blending of body with soul and spirit. By
entering into the marriage covenant, two independent and separate persons together
become a new person. Spiritually, divorce is a severance, a destruction of that new person.
and Remarriage
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