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Figure 13.2 shows three models
illustrating certain factors involved in

Causes of Divorce: Three Models.

Many men meet criticism with stonewalling—
refusing to engage or give feedback.

Divorce and Remarriage

Figure 13.2
Models Used to Explain Divorce
Model Early Marriage Difficulty Result
Enduring Dynamics
Model (Huston,
Niehaus, & Smith,

Establish patterns of
behavior that last
throughout marriage

Stability or instability
in the relationship is
created by behavior

Stability is the single
factor that distinguishes
who stays married and
who divorces
Model (Huston,
Niehaus, & Smith,

Romanticize and
exaggerate partners
good qualities

Begin to see real
person which leads
to disillusionment

Learn to love the real
person or marriage
may end

Emergent – Distress

Begin blissfully happy
and affectionate

Disagreements create
distress and negativity

Resolve differences or
negativity can lead to

Image from / fredgoldstein

  • The enduring dynamics model
    suggests behavior patterns between
    spouses are established early in a
    marriage.These can fortify stability in
    the marriage or lead to instability and
    divorce (Huston,Niehaus,& Smith,

  • The disillusionment model explains
    how marriage partners idealize one
    another early in their relationship.
    After a while,they begin to see each
    other differently or as they“really are,”
    which can lead to disillusionment and
    divorce (Huston,Niehaus,& Smith,

  • The emergent-distress model suggests
    early marital happiness can be
    destroyed by negative marital
    disagreements (Kurdeck,2002).

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