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uthorstypicallyinvestthousandsof hoursintheprocessof providingatextbookfor
thesubjectmatterinaformtheybelieveismostbeneficialforyourlearning. Inadditionto
thesignificantinvestmenttheauthorsmake,publisherssolicittheassistanceof otherexperts
and professors in their quest to provide excellent learning resources.

Excellence is enhanced through peer reviews. These reviews are a very important part of
theprocessof publishinganytextbookasexpertsinthefieldcriticallyexaminetheauthors’
work. Reviewers read the text carefully and usually provide the publisher with dozens of
pagesofcriticalcomments. Thesecommentsrangefromstrengthssuchasaffirmationabout
content and writing style to suggestions about deficiencies—chapter organization,
information regarding current research, documentation, form and style matters, as well as
debate pertaining to the authors’ viewpoints. The authors are provided with the review
comments and are given opportunity to respond—and in many cases do additional
researching,rewriting,and discussing issues and questions that are raised.

Thistextbookisnoexceptiontothepeerreviewprocess. Manyprofessionalsinthefieldof
invested hundreds of hours reviewing this text. The Publisher is especially thankful to the
MarriageandFamily. Their contribution adds significantly to the content and quality of
what you are about to study.

For your information, some of the reviewers and a summary of their involvement in the
field of marriage and family studies are listed on the following page. For those academic
administrators and professors who by their choice are not listed here, we truly appreciate
your significant contributions as well. You know who you are.

With gratitude,
Nathan Birky
Triangle Publishing



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