The American Girl Series:Historicalfictionbooksforyounggirlsaboutlifeatdifferenttimes
American Literature, Volume 1by William E. Cain. This collection of American Literature
includes the narrative of the life of Frederick Douglas,The Scarlet Letterby Nathaniel
“Dear and Loving Husband,” and many more poems and stories. Reading pieces from
the different time frames enables a person to picture what individuals and families
experienced during those times.(Longman,2004)
Little Womenby Louisa MayAlcott.This novel,set during the time of the CivilWar,details
the lives of four sisters and the many adventures they experience as they grow from
children into young women.(Tyndale House Publishing,2004)
Little Women.DVD.A movie based on the book by Louisa MayAlcott
Online Video: African-American Lives, Part II
A series that traces the history and genealogy of famous African-Americans, including Maya
Angelou and Don Cheadle. index.html (accessed
The Changing Face of theAmerican Family: Early History