Layout 1

(backadmin) #1

  1. “TherehasneverbeenatimewhentheoverwhelmingmajorityofAmericanchildren
    were well cared for and their experiences idyllic. Nor has childhood ever been an
    age of innocence,at least not for most children”(Mintz,2004).Do you agree with
    this statement? Why or why not?

  2. What do you consider to be the greatest challenges facing the American family in
    the 21st century?

  3. How do you think the Church can meet these challenges?

  4. Howwouldyoudistinguishbetweentheformoffamilyandtheinstitutionoffamily?

Compare and Contrast the families in the popular family sitcoms:

  1. Leave it to Beaver (1957-1963)

  2. TheWonderYears (a story about growing up in the 1960s)

  3. The Brady Bunch (1969-1974)

  4. Growing Pains (mid-1980s-early 1990s)

  5. The Cosby Show (1984-1992)

  6. Full House (1990s)

  7. Reba (2001-2007)

The Color Purple, (PG-13).DramathatshowstheproblemsfacedbyAfrican-American
womenduring the early 1900s including poverty,racism and sex discrimination.
A League of Their Own, (PG).DVD.A movie about the changing role of women,
specifically those in theAll-American Girls Baseball League- created while most able
men were away duringWorldWar II.


Questions for Thought

The Changing Face of theAmerican Family: Modern History
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