Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders

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duce somatic sensations (Rapee, Craske, & Barlow, 1994–1995). Three subscales are
derived; Social Phobia (10 items), Agoraphobia (nine items), and Interoceptive (eight
items). Although the factorial structure of the APPQ has been supported, contrary to
expectation APPQ Agoraphobia was more strongly related to fear of panic than APPQ
Interoceptive (Brown, White & Barlow, 2005). Until more is known about the APPQ’s
psychometric properties, it is recommended for research purposes only.

Clinician Guideline 8.8
A standard pretreatment assessment of panic disorder should include the ADIS-IV for diag-
nostic information as well as the BAI, ASI, ACQ, and BSQ to determine frequency and inten-
sity of panic symptoms. The MI should be administered when agoraphobia is present.

Case Conceptualization

Although diagnostic and symptom measures are helpful in developing a case concep-
tualization, idiographic assessment of key cognitive and behavioral features of panic is
essential in making a case formulation. Table 8.6 provides a summary of the key ele-
ments in a cognitive assessment and case formulation for panic disorder.

table 8.6. Key elements of a Cognitive assessment and Case formulation of panic Disorder
Cognitive construct assessed Assessment instruments

Context and frequency of panic ADIS-IV, Weekly Panic and Acute Anxiety Log (Appendix
8.1), Situational Analysis Form (Appendix 5.2)

Heightened sensitivity and vigilance of
bodily/mental sensations

BSQ, Physical Sensations Self-Monitoring Form (Appendix
5.3), Expanded Physical Sensations Checklist (Appendix

Catastrophic misinterpretation(s) ACQ, Physical Sensations Self-Monitoring Form (Appendix
5.3), Apprehensive Thoughts Self-Monitoring Form
(Appendix 5.4)

Beliefs, apprehension, and intolerance of
anxiety and discomfort

ASI, Identifying Anxious Thinking Errors (Appendix 5.6),
Worry Self-Monitoring Form A (Appendix 5.8)

Escape, avoidance, and other safety-
seeking cognitive and behavioral strategies

MI, Behavioral Response to Anxiety Checklist (Appendix
5.7), Cognitive Responses to Anxiety (Appendix 5.9),
Exposure Hierarchy (Appendix 7.1)

Accessibility of reappraisal schemas Symptom Reappraisal Form (Appendix 8.2), Weekly Panic
and Acute Anxiety Log (Appendix 8.1)

Outcome of panic attacks; sense of safety
and perceived coping ability

Weekly Panic and Acute Anxiety Log (Appendix 8.1),
Symptom Reappraisal Form (Appendix 8.2), Anxious
Reappraisal Form (Appendix 5.10)

Note. ADIS-IV, Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV; BSQ, Body Sensations Questionnaire; ACQ, Agora-
phobic Cognitions Questionnaire; ASI, Anxiety Sensitivity Index; MI, Mobility Inventory.

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