PowerPoint Presentation

(lily) #1

The Tropical Monsoon and Tropical Marine Climate :

Winds : Characterised by seasonal change of winds.
Summer: On shore wet Monsoon winds.
Winter : Off shore wet Monsoon winds.

Vegetation : Tropical Monsoon Forests.
Deciduous trees .Eg : Teak,Sal,Acacia, and Eucalyptus (Australia)

Agriculture :

Paddy Crops : In most of the areas.
Cash Crops :
Low Land Crops : Sugar cane (India,Java,Cuba,Jamaica,)
Jute ,Cotton,Indigo.
High Land Crops : Tea ,Coffee(Originated from Ethiopia )

Lumbering : Burma,India (Teal Plantation)

Shifting Cultivation : Practised by the Tribes also known as Jhum Cultivation.

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