Handbook of Psychology, Volume 4: Experimental Psychology

(Axel Boer) #1

346 Motor Control

shift is more or less additive to shifts associated with rota-
tions at the shoulder. This adaptation-induced shift allows
one to predict the generalization across the work space.


Research on the adaptive capabilities of human motor control
can serve to illustrate some fairly general characteristics of
the field: First, different phases or waves can be distin-
guished; second, different lines of research come together
and trigger new waves; third, research on applied problems
often precedes more theoretically minded research; and
fourth, new concepts enter the field, often coming from other
academic disciplines. At present, research on adapting to vi-
sual distortions and to added transformations, as in tracking
tasks, is combined; research on the latter has a strong applied
history related, for example, to vehicle control. The new the-
oretical concepts come largely from modern control theory
and robotics. On top of such developments are new measure-
ment technologies, which have made the recording of move-
ments easier and which open progressively wider windows
onto the activity of the brain while it controls movement.
Science seems to be driven largely by practical needs and
by the apparent human desire to have coherent ideas of one-
self and the world one lives in. Perhaps some of the findings
reported in this chapter challenge ideas humans tend to have
about themselves, but as far as motor control is concerned, the
more important driving forces seem to be practical, related to
technical developments as in robotics, to the control of com-
plex machines, and to new challenges for manual skills, as in
minimally invasive surgery. Perhaps future developments
will result in tighter links of the (functional) theoretical con-
cepts of the field to the solution of applied problems on the
one hand and to the neuronal substrates on the other hand.


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