The Educational System In Islam

(Ann) #1
Misfortune of Envy

Numerousmisfortunesandcalamitiesare originatedfrom envy.The
incessant.Thus,the enviousare in continualregret. Consequently, this
willaffectthe physicalhealth.Ibnul-Mutazsays,“Envyistheepidemic
ofthebody.”Aspiritualistsays,“Ihaveneverseen suchwrongpeople
who are as same as the wronged. They consider the amenity as their
mayleadthemtoatheismanddisbelief.Accordingly, theProphetsaid,
“Envy consumes the good deeds like fire when consumes wood.”
Thereductionin thesocialranksof theenviousisone ofthe misfor-
rupture of relations in addition to other defects, such as fabrication,
backbiting, tattling, perfidy, treason, calumny,killing, and larceny be-
sides other sins and evil-doings.

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