The Educational System In Islam

(Ann) #1
Treatment of Obstention

Ethicists mention a number of matters that eliminate this virulent

  • The ostentatious shouldclearthe incentives of ostentation, suchas
    the fondness of praise and greediness in people’s amenities.

  • Theostentatiousshouldregardtheblightsandcalamitiesthatareres-
    ulted from ostentation, suchas the corruption of the deeds and God’s

  • Theostentatiousshouldconsiderthatpeople’spraiseandconfidence
    would not improve the livelihood, since sustenance is God’s concern,
    ing but humility and decline.

  • Theostentatiousshouldconcernthegriefandthelackoftranquility
    that affect them because of presuming people’s emotions and trends.
    They should alsoremark that nothingwould pleasepeople who have
    contradictingopinionsandtendencies.Thiswillsurely bringabout the
    most intolerable suffering and heartache and deprive of any profit.

  • The ostentatious should consider that God will sooneror later di-
    tatiouswillsurely getridof theirillhabits iftheyconsiderthesetreat-
    ments carefully.

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