to be brought into Photoshop for retouching or special
effects and subsequent proofing and printing. The instan-
taneous nature of digital even allows photographers to
put together a digital slide show almost instantaneously.
Additionally, digital offers photographers great options
when shooting—from frame to frame, you can switch
your ISO and white balance, or even switch to shooting
in black & white. In this chapter, we’ll look at these con-
siderations, and many others.
LCD Playback.
The size and resolution of the camera’s LCD screen are
important, as these screens are highly useful in determin-
ing if you got the shot or not. LCD screens range from
about 1.8 inches to 2.5 inches and screen resolution
ranges from around 120,000 dots to 220,000 dots. As
important as the physical specifications of the LCD is the
number of playback options available. Some systems let
you zoom in on the image to inspect details. Some let
you navigate across the image to check different areas of
the frame in close-up mode. Some camera systems allow
you a thumbnail or proof-sheet review of captured im-
ages. Some of the more sophisticated systems offer his-
togram (to gauge exposure) and highlight point display
to determine if highlight exposure is accurate throughout
erhaps the greatest advantage of shooting digitally is that when
the photographer leaves the event or shooting session, the im-
ages are already in hand. Instead of scanning the images when they
are returned from the lab, the originals are already digital and ready
A new red slicker with matching umbrella and boots is more than
enough reason to have a special portrait made. Deborah Ferro cre-
ated this lovely image in studio and later added “digital rain,” an
almost cartoon-like feature, and a Polaroid border treatment for a
very special image.