Children's Portrait Photography Handbook

(Sean Pound) #1

on the left side. Although it is true that an underexposed
image is preferable to an overexposed one, nothing will
ever look as good as a properly exposed image. You can
correct for underexposure in Photoshop’s Levels or
Curves adjustments, but it is time-consuming to adjust
exposure in this manner.


Reflectance Meter.Because exposure is critical for pro-
ducing fine portraits, it is essential to meter the scene
properly. Using an in-camera light meter may not always
provide consistent and accurate results. Even with sophis-
ticated multi-pattern in-camera reflectance meters,
brightness patterns can sometimes influence the all-

LEFT—This amazing portrait by Jennifer George Walker has all the
elements of great art, including complexity and a sense of uncer-
tainty that makes the viewer contemplative. Aside from its great
composition and light, it has been masterfully diffused to soften
the edges of everything, idealizing the baby and young mother.
The trick with selective diffusion is knowing how far to go.

BELOW—Digitally captured portraits like this one can be taken right
away into programs such as Photoshop and Painter for artistic in-
terpretation. Here a combination of Photoshop’s filters and
Painter’s ability to apply brush strokes to the photograph have cre-
ated a painterly masterpiece. Photograph by Deborah Lynn Ferro.

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