Children's Portrait Photography Handbook

(Sean Pound) #1

main light) into the shadows of the face and body of the
subject. If using a diffused light source for the fill light,
however, be sure that you do not spill light into areas of
the scene where it is unwanted, such as the background
or the camera’s lens.
Hair Light.In a diffused lighting scenario, the hair
light for kids’ portraits is a smaller diffused light source,
usually suspended on a boom and highly maneuverable so
that it can just add a subtle highlight to the child’s hair
and head. Sometimes called striplights, these small soft-
boxes are positioned behind and above the subject, just
out of the camera’s view.
Background Light.If a background light is used, it
is diffused and washes the background with light so that
it does not go dull in the final photo.
Kicker Lights.Kickers are optional lights used simi-
larly to hair lights. These add highlights to the sides of the
face or body to increase the feeling of depth and richness
in a portrait. Kickers are used behind the subject and pro-
duce highlights with great brilliance, because the light
just glances off the skin or clothing. Since they are set be-
hind the subject, barn doors should be used.

Lighting Styles.

Broadvs.Short Lighting.There are two basic types of
portrait lighting. Broad lighting means that the main
light illuminates the side of the face turned toward the
camera. Short lighting means that the main light is illu-
minating the side turned away from the camera.
Broad lighting is used less frequently than short light-
ing because it flattens and de-emphasizes facial contours.

Short lighting emphasizes facial contours and can be used
as a corrective lighting technique to narrow a round or
wide face. When used with a weak fill light, short light-


When using diffused light sources, such as the giant softbox used
by Stacy Bratton in both of these shots, the difference between
broad and short lighting can be defined by the turn of the head. In
these examples, the baby in the crazy knitted hat is showing more
of the shadow side of the face, thus it is short lighting; the older girl
in overalls is turned away so that the highlight side is more promi-
nent and most visible; thus it is broad lighting. If Stacy had turned
her subject’s head back towards camera right, it would have turned
into a short lighting setup.

The late Master photographer Don Blair often used a hybrid
light—a broad parabolic fill with a barebulb strobe. He noted that
the barebulb adds a softness that you cannot get from an umbrella
or other diffuser. He preferred it for photographing children be-
cause he says it wraps the child in soft, open light.

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