Unit 1 HO 1-5 (contiuerl)
Chapter 1 The Strategic Manage'nent Process 19
they don't have authority for directin& implementation) and (2) what they recom
mend won't be well accep-ed or enthusiasticall.%implemented by those who "have
to sing thr song the planners have written." But when managers are expected to
be the chief strategy-makers and strategy-implementers for the areas they head. it
is their own strategy and their own implementation approach that are being put to
test of workahilty. rhe "buy in" to their own s!rategy and implementation
efforts is certainl. stronger than it is for someone
ele's efforts Hence the. are
likely to be more committed to making the plan ork (their future careers with the
organization are at more risk'). an,' they can be held strictl. accountable for
achieving the target results in their area.
The Strategic Role of the Board of Directors
With senior and middle managers having lead resp,,nsibilitv for crafting and
implementing strategy, the chief strategic role of an organization's board of
directors is to see that the ovei all tak of managing strategy is adequately done.'
Boards of directors normally review important strategic mo~e,, and approve
strategic plans-a procedure that makes the board ultimately responsible for the
strategic actions taken But directors rarel\ can or should pla% a direct role in
formulating the strateg. they must approve The immediate task of directors in
ratify ing strategy and ne\A direction-setting moues is to ensure that the proposal,
presented to them have been adequatel, anal\zcd and thought through and that
the proposed strategy isl superior to available alternatives: flamed proposal-, are
customarily withdrawn for revision by management " The longer-range task of
directors is to evaluate the caliber of ,,nloi manaLers' sirategv-making and
strategy-implementing skills Here it is nece,,ar\ to determine kkhether the cur
rent CEO is doing a good job of strategic management (as a basis for awarding
salary increases and bonuses and deciding on retention or removal and, also. to
evaluate the strategic skills of other senior e\ecutives in line to ,ucceed the
current CEO.
The message of thi, book is that doing a good job of managing inherently requires
doing a good job of strategic management. Today's managers have to think
strategically about their company's position and about the impact
of changing
conditions. They have to monitor the external situation closely enough to know
rihen to institute strategy change. They have to know the business ,vell enough to
know what kind of strategic changes to initiate. Simply said. the fundamentals of
strategic management need to drive the
whole approach to managing organiza-
Kenneth R Andrew%. Thw (om ept fit Crpnoii, Stra,,teg%. ,rd ed. (Honme ood. It.: Richard
Irw,,n. 1987). p. 123.
h Ibid.