Matalibul Furqan 5

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Qur’an as a’maal-us-sayyi’ah. Sayyi’ah is the antonym of hasanah; it
stands for deeds that upset the balance of the individual personality
and result in social disequilibrium.
The Qur’an describes various attributes of God, which are
collectively known as al-asmaa-ul-husna, that is, attributes that are
blended in a single Being in proper proportion and perfect
equilibrium. The Qur’an further calls upon men to develop in
themselves the Divine Attributes, of course, within the human
limits, with the same balance and proportion. This is the proper way
of attaining the growth and fulfilment of the human personality.

  1. A’maal-us-Sayyi’ah: see A’mal-ul-Hasanah.

  2. Amr: in English there is only one word to denote the
    production of a thing, namely, creation. The Qur’an however, has
    indicated two stages of creation. The first stage is that of Divine
    Planning, where God’s Directive Energy initiates an inchoate object
    on the path leading to its destined incarnation. And the process by
    which it finally assumes the material form intended for it is called
    the process of creation. Creation involves the blending of various
    elements in a particular manner and in particular proportions, so as
    to produce an entirely new thing; for instance, the formation of
    water through a combination of hydrogen and oxygen.
    How the Divine Planning operates in the various stages of amr is
    not known to us; but in the world of creation it can be
    comprehended through the physical laws. Indeed, man can not only
    comprehend the operation but also co-operate with God in this
    creative process. The laws under which the various objects in the
    universe function are made in the world of Divine Planning (’alam-
    ul-amr), but they are enforced and executed in the world of creation

  3. Anbiya: the plural form of nabi (q.v.).

  4. Batil : see Haqq.

  5. Birr It is generally translated as virtuous or pious deeds;
    in fact it has a much wider sense. The basic meanings of the word
    are extensiveness, largeness, ampleness. It, therefore, signifies
    conduct that tends to expand the personality of the individual and
    to ensure the fulfilment and happiness of the whole society. Such
    conduct helps to rid men of narrow-mindedness and to widen their
    outlook, and ensures for all an abundant supply of the necessities of

Glossary 21


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