The Paleo Diet Cookbook

(Brent) #1


Paleo Fish and Seafood

One of the absolutely essential elements of the Paleo
Diet is to increase your consumption of foods containing
the long-chain omega 3 fatty acids known as EPA and
DHA. Your best sources of these vital nutrients are fatty fish
like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring. A 100-gram
(~ ¼ pound) serving of salmon contains ~ 1,200 milligrams
of EPA and DHA. If you’re like most Americans, your
normal daily diet only provides between 100 and 200
milligrams of these healthy fatty acids.

Try to consume at least 500 to 1,800 milligrams of EPA

  • DHA a day, either by eating fish or by taking fish oil
    supplements. If you have cardiovascular disease, you
    should include at least 1 gram of EPA + DHA in your diet.
    Patients with high blood triglycerides can lower these by as
    much as 40 percent by taking 2 to 4 grams of EPA + DHA
    daily. The table below shows the levels of omega 3 fatty
    acids in common types of fish and shellfish.


Source: J. Exler and J. L. Wehrauch, “Provisional Table

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