The Paleo Diet Cookbook

(Brent) #1

journals in the world now recognize that the typical Western
diet—filled with processed foods, sugars, dairy products,
and cereal grains—represents the main trigger of this
common skin disease. Research from my scientific group
in 2002 broke the diet-acne story wide open with our

publication in the flagship dermatology journal, Archives of


My insight for uncovering acne’s dietary basis came from
the evolutionary template that is the foundation for the
Paleo Diet as well as for the delicious foods you will soon

be preparing from the recipes and meal plans in The Paleo

Diet Cookbook. This organizational template has allowed

me and other scientists worldwide to uncover the optimal
human diet. This nutritional scheme was not only the dietary
master plan for our hunter-gatherer ancestors, but remains
so for all of us today.

The Paleo Diet and even the word “Paleo” itself have
become household concepts in the past decade, with

recent coverage in the New York Times, the Washington

Post, and other national and international media. A few

years ago, if you searched for “Paleo Diet” with an Internet
search engine, you would have been lucky to find my Web
site, Now the Internet is literally
bursting with Web sites, people, products, and services
catering to this concept.

The world has rapidly embraced this concept because it
works. If you are overweight, the Paleo Diet will help you to

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