The Paleo Diet Cookbook

(Brent) #1

DHA. Thousands of scientific papers on a variety of
diseases unmistakably show the health benefits of these
fatty acids. In randomized clinical trials in patients with
preexisting heart disease, omega 3 fatty acid supplements
significantly reduced cardiovascular events (deaths,
nonfatal heart attacks, and nonfatal strokes). Omega 3 fatty
acids diminish the risk for heart disease through a number
of means, including a reduction in heartbeat irregularities
called arrhythmias, a decrease in blood clots, and a
reduction in inflammation, a condition that is now known to
be an important cause of atherosclerosis, or artery

Besides lowering the risk for heart disease, regular
consumption of fish or supplemental omega 3 fatty acids
may be helpful in preventing, treating, or improving a wide
variety of diseases and disorders, including virtually all
inflammatory diseases (any disease ending with “-itis”):
rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disorders (Crohn’s
disease, ulcerative colitis), and periodontal disease

In addition, mental disorders (including autism,
depression, postpartum depression, bipolar disorder,
borderline personality disorder, and impaired cognitive
development in infants and children) respond positively to
these healthy fatty acids.

Finally, acne, asthma, exercise-induced asthma, many
types of cancers, macular degeneration, preterm birth,
psoriasis, insulin resistance, type 1 diabetes, type 2
diabetes, cancer cachexia, intermittent claudication, skin

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