The Paleo Diet Cookbook

(Brent) #1

glycoalkaloids (alpha solanine and alpha chaconine), which
increase intestinal permeability. Eliminating potatoes from
your diet not only prevents blood glucose and insulin surges
but also helps to prevent a leaky gut and autoimmune

Paleo Diets are good therapy for people with
autoimmune diseases because they are devoid of lectin-
containing grains, lectin- and saponin-containing legumes,
and saponin- and lectin-containing potatoes. Do your gut a
favor and kick these foods out of your diet. While you are at
it, make sure you also avoid milk and dairy products, per

my original recommendations in The Paleo Diet.

Epidemiological (population) studies have frequently
implicated milk and dairy foods in numerous autoimmune
diseases, including type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis,
and multiple sclerosis. Furthermore, experimental studies
have demonstrated that certain cow milk proteins can
actually cause the animal equivalent of multiple sclerosis in
rats. Because the Paleo Diet is devoid of dairy, grains,
legumes, and potatoes, it’s no wonder it’s such good
medicine for people with autoimmune diseases.

Besides contributing to a leaky gut, certain dietary
saponins agitate the immune system in a manner that
makes it much more likely to cause autoimmune diseases.
Saponins have long been used by immunologists to boost
the effectiveness of vaccines in revving up the immune
system. So the bottom line is, if you have an autoimmune
disease, you should avoid saponins.

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