Landscape Photography: From Snapshots to Great Shots

(WallPaper) #1

76 LandScape photographY: From SnapShotS to great ShotS

Poring Over the Picture

I happened to be in northern Minnesota just after a week of rain, so the
streams going into Lake Superior were full. I grew up in Minnesota, and the
North Shore of Lake Superior is still one of my favorite places for landscape
photography. For me, the photograph wasn’t simply about capturing this part
of Gooseberry Falls; it was also about water—and lots of it—rushing over the
falls. That’s what I wanted my composition to communicate.

I used a wide-angle lens, but I didn’t
step back to show the whole falls.
I got in close to emphasize its drama.

I shot with a fast shutter speed to
reveal the pattern in the water
and add that to the composition.
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