Landscape Photography: From Snapshots to Great Shots

(WallPaper) #1

84 LandScape photographY: From SnapShotS to great ShotS

What’S Y our photograph about?

One thing that can really help the photographer is to ask this very important question:
What’s your photograph about? The answer isn’t simply the subject that’s in front of
you. It’s more than that. And the question shouldn’t be seen as a challenge, but as an
aid to looking at your composition.
This also can help you clarify and refine your composition to what’s really important.
Figure 4.10 isn’t simply a photograph of the redwoods; it’s about tall trees in a dense
forest, and the composition uses the trees at the edge, as well as the light, to show
that. There is no ground showing because the photo is not about the ground.

ISO 100
1/45 sec.

FIgure 4.10
This photograph
is about tall trees
in the redwood
forests of Northern
California, and
the composition
is designed to
reflect that.

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