Landscape Photography: From Snapshots to Great Shots

(WallPaper) #1

86 LandScape photographY: From SnapShotS to great ShotS

All this comes down to how you structure and define a composition to control the
viewer’s eye (Figure 4.11). In Figure 4.11, there is a strong relationship between
the simple bottom of the photo and the highly detailed top part of trees. Then, as
you look closer, notice the relationship of the background trees to the larger, more
defined leaves, which also create a visual relationship to the falls. In addition, there
is a strong relationship to the rocks on the right, both to the falls and to the trees.
Remember: As soon as you get key parts of your picture out of the center, you’re
encouraging your viewer to look over the entire photograph. How you create visual
relationships within that photograph affects the way that people look at your image.

FIgure 4.11
The falls in
Tennessee’s Frozen
Head State Park
have a strong rela-
tionship with their
surroundings in
this image.

ISO 100
1 sec.
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