The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

No investment is more important than the one you make in yourself! So make
that investment by engaging in lots of personal development through the
wealth of resources available today.

Mental Nourishment

Most people are challenged in this area because of the “lack programming”
they’ve been exposed to since childhood. This is a big topic that’s not dis-
cussed in much depth here, but virtually all of us need to overcome our own
lack programming through constant, strategic reprogramming. This starts
with being aware that the challenge is there, then being watchful and taking
positive steps to burst through and beyond that strong lack programming that
holds many people back in the herd.
Read from good, uplifting, empowering books recommended by leaders
in our industry at least 15 minutes a day. Feed your mind with that nourish-
ment and benefit from the experiences others have already had (and mistakes
they’ve made). Figure out how to extrapolate their tips and lessons to what
you need to do. Get inspired to take new and different actions, to build
stronger beliefs, and to get better results.
Listen to tape and CD training albums by many of the people in this
book and other industry leaders. Find them through Networking Times,
Nightingale Conant, and other resources your upline can recommend. Most
people have more “ear” time than “eye” time—they can listen to trainings
while they’re driving, walking, exercising, washing dishes, or doing chores.
Turn your car into a college for higher learning. There’s so much excellent
training material available these days.
So many people need to hear from you, and get listened to by you so
that rapport is created. Strong rapport opens up two-way communication,
and others will listen to you differently when that happens. Your prospects
might not fully understand the huge value of “the cookie” you have right
away, but with repeated exposure, some of them will get it and want what
you’ve got! Follow-up can yield huge rewards down the road.
Do all the stuff just discussed and start generating some growing checks
from your network marketing business. It may take a little time, but you’ll
come to know that you can succeed with this industry as your belief in it grows.



You are, of course. You must build it and continue to reinforce it—or else its
natural fragility may drag you down, discourage you, and distract you from


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