The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

Again I run down to the end of the runway, pick you up from the wreck-
age, brush off the little singed bits, and I say, “You need to focus. You need
Then I drag you back to the front of the runway, put you into another
airplane, strap you into the pilot’s seat, close the door, wave good-bye, and
just as you are rolling down the runway, I yell out, “Get a better attitude!”
What’s going to happen at the end of the runway?
Crash and burn.
At this point you say to yourself, “I see a trend. And the only way for
me to stop the pain is to quit!” And you quit.
It didn’t matter how positive you were, or how much you believed in fly-
ing. If you don’t have the skills, you will crash and burn. And this happens to
new distributors in network marketing all the time. When they first get
started, they have a great attitude, a strong belief in their business, goals, and
motivation, and they are extremely positive, but they don’t have any skills. So
what happens?
They talk to a few friends who tell them that they are crazy. When they
talk to relatives, it gets uglier. And when they talk to strangers, well, because
they didn’t know exactly what to say and exactly what to do, they get rejected
and humiliated, and your new distributors think that the only way to stop the
pain is to quit!
Sound familiar?
Need another example of how skills make the difference?
Imagine that I am a new distributor and you are my sponsor. My job is
to make some chocolate chip cookies. So you send me into the kitchen. I look
around and say, “Gee, nothing looks familiar here. I think that thing over
there is a spoon.” What are the chances that I am going to be able to make
chocolate chip cookies?
You open the door to the kitchen a bit, look inside, and see that I
haven’t made any chocolate chip cookies yet. You feel sorry for me and want
to help me. So, you toss into the kitchen a CD on goal setting!
When you come back a few days later, what do you see inside of the
kitchen? Do you see chocolate chip cookies?
No. You see charts on goal setting on the walls. Pictures of what chocolate
chip cookies should look like. And I have a goal-setting group together and we
are discussing what it would be like to be able to make chocolate chip cookies.
Well, you want to be helpful, so you yell, “Get more positive!” And
then you leave for a few days.
When you come back and look inside the kitchen, here is what you see.
I have written hundreds of affirmations and I am chanting, “I am a chocolate
chip cookie.” But still no cookies.

You Are Only a Couple of Sentences Away from Terrific Success 89
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