The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



The Art of Persuasion

Nido Qubein


o you want to boost your selling power and effectiveness in network
marketing? Then add power to your persuasion. But how can you
add power to your persuasion? How can you become more effective
at persuading your customers to buy and become more effective at
persuading your prospects to join your team?
Let’s look at the way skilled professionals put power into their ability to
persuade. Let me share with you 10 secrets I’ve learned from some of the
most persuasive people in America—10 ways to add power to your persua-
sion. I call them the 10 Ps of persuasion.


One of the most successful insurance salesmen in America is a country fellow
from south Georgia, who says, “You can no more sell something you don’t
believe in than you can come back from some place you ain’t been.” Success-
ful salespeople are positive people. Successful network marketers are, too.
They have positive mental attitudes about themselves, the companies they
represent, the products or services they’re selling, the prospects they’re at-
tempting to persuade, the country they live in. They’re positive about every-
thing. Enthusiasm is contagious. When you’re excited about life and the
work you’re doing, you can persuade with power, because you can get other
people excited.


Successful networkers have learned to direct their persuasive power toward
people who have the mental and physical resources necessary to achieve suc-
cess in this business. In addition to offering their opportunity to everyone
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