The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

to watch and hear. At the same time, they are authentic and persuasive in
communicating value. To achieve top levels of success in your network mar-
keting business, you have to make your presentations count by communicat-
ing rich possibilities for your prospects to step into while creating true value
for your products or services.


Powerful persuaders are alert to everything that happens during a prospect’s
interview. They are not preoccupied with personal problems, with airline
schedules, or even with the next call they are going to make. They know
that building their network marketing organization always begins with fo-
cusing on the presentation at hand. Powerful persuaders tune in to their
prospects and look for the motivating forces in the life of each. Once they
discover that motivating force, they play to the motivation. To add power to
your persuasion, learn to read your prospects and to discover the motiva-
tions they have to want to join you in partnership to build a residual net-
work marketing income.


Novice networkers often do a lot of talking, in the belief that dumping lots of
information on their prospect or customer is surely the way to get them to see
value in their company, products, and opportunity. They ramble on, clueless
about what may be important to the prospect or how their company’s offer-
ings might contribute to their lives.
That’s why silence is so threatening to most novice networkers. The in-
stant a prospect pauses to take a breath, the amateur will jump in with a sales
spiel or some additional information, just to break the silence.
But powerful persuaders use questions to diagnose the needs and con-
cerns of a prospect much as a skilled physician uses them to diagnose the
problems of a patient. They become masters at asking penetrating ques-
tions, and they use those questions to draw prospects into the selling or en-
rollment process.


The most powerful word in selling and prospecting is “you.” The emphasis
on “you” marks the difference between manipulative and nonmanipulative
presentations. Manipulative prospecting is self-centered. It focuses on what

The Art of Persuasion 99
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