The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

That’s not a visionary prospecting strategy, not the high-level posture
that works effectively with people who are supposed to be attracted by your
professional skills. In fact, it often creates precisely the opposite effect from
what you want. The prospect starts thinking: “Maybe this person is not such
an expert, after all! He or she must not have much business! Maybe I’d better
take a closer look at this whole thing!”
Real professionals take the opposite approach. They develop rapport
and determine what is important to or missing in the prospect’s world. They
create true value, showing prospects how they can impact their lives for the
better with the products and/or income opportunity. They focus on the
prospects’ key benefits for becoming involved in the business immediately.
Their energy says, “I’d love to work with you in partnership to create a life-
changing income for you and your family—but I am certainly notattached to
you having to do anything!
It’s called “hot button” selling and enrolling, and it works like this. You
find the prospect’s primary motivation for buying products or joining your
business and zero in on that motivation. You keep asking questions until you
find the prospect’s strongest reason for acting promptly, then you reinforce
the client’s own reason.
One of the simplest and most powerful formulas for success I’ve ever
discovered came from Frank Bettger, a man Dale Carnegie called the best
salesman he ever met. Frank Bettger said, “Show people what they want
most, and they will move heaven and earth to get it.”
So I always figure that if people are not willing to do whatever it takes
to get moving, I have not yet discovered and shown them what they want
most. When you have done that, you don’t have to worry about pinning
down evasive prospects. They’ll pin themselves down.
Learn how to persuade more effectively, and you will boost your selling
and enrolling power.

Nido Qubein is an international speaker and consultant. Visit his web site at, write to Creative Services, Inc., P.O. Box 6008, High
Point, NC 27262, or call (800) 989-3010.

The Art of Persuasion 103
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