The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

ally so certain of it that I recently started my own direct sales and network-
ing company.
So let’s get back to the first question: Why won’t people listen to you
I believe there are two reasons people ignore us. Both have to do with
the actual words and phrases people use when making their presentations,
long or short, formally in a meeting or informally in the elevator.

  1. For presenting the business.The use of certain words meant to im-
    press the listener, but which turn off the good ones and attract the
    weak ones.

  2. For the product.The use of words meant to impress the listener, but
    which in fact result in the familiar eyes-glazing-over scene, and you
    know the rest.

Let’s take them in turn.


There are five things people throughout network marketing land say in their
meetings that tend to shut down all good people—because those people know
better. Here they are.

  1. It’s easy. Anyone can do it.

  2. You can make big money almost immediately in this business.

  3. Everyone will want this product/service. It sells itself.

  4. Ours is the best deal/company/pay plan/management in the history
    of the world/out there.

  5. All you have to do is talk to people you know.

These five statements are intended to impress someone with the ease
with which one can become successful. And perhaps they’re meant to give the
listener some encouragement and a can-do attitude so they’ll say yes. How-
ever, each one is either false or ignorant, and anyone who has had any busi-
ness experience, including anyone who has spent a day doing network
marketing, knows it.
Ask yourself these very five questions, as you remember your own past
one to nine years in the business.

Why Won’t They Listen to Me? 105
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