The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



Finding Passion in Your Business

Kathy Coover


o you know the most vital step to take before beginning your new
network marketing business venture? It’s a step that’s often over-
looked or even viewed as not being important, but I promise you, it’s
one of the most important things you can do. Before you get started,
you need to do some soul-searching to reflect on your vision and purpose in
life. My personal vision is to impact people’s health and help others become
successful. Your vision may be entirely different, and that’s absolutely fine.


Each of us has an intrinsic purpose—some special reason why we are here,
living now, in this world. It is our basis for being, the passion that generates
our master plan. Discovering or defining your passion is one of the most help-
ful things you can do for yourself. You must build a belief system so strong
that nothing can shatter your goals. The moment you carry the conviction of
belief—fueled with absolute passion—is that moment your dream will be-
come reality.

Passion for the Industry
Build your belief in the industry of network marketing. Some naysayers will
try to take your dreams away and discourage you from joining the industry.
Read some of the outstanding books on network marketing to get the facts
and the figures on the industry.

Passion for the Products
Build your belief in your company’s products. Educate yourself on the prod-
ucts and speak with passion about them. You must develop a powerful story
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