The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

There are many ways to build your business. Develop your plan and help
your new associates develop theirs.

  • Warm market/referrals (best way for most).

  • Three-foot rule (talk to everyone around you).

  • Direct mail/postcards.

  • Advertising.

  • Sampling the products.

  • Internet.

By using this interview, you will be able to determine if this new distributor is
an A player, B player, or C player. An A player is someone who will do what-
ever it takes to be successful. A B player is someone who will pursue the busi-
ness part-time and will put in moderate effort. A C player is a customer and
will use the products only.
By making this distinction, you will be focused on the people who want
this as a business. People need your financial product! Work with the people
who have the same goals as you do. Don’t try to drag people into the business
or across the finish line. The key is to find the A players and help them be-
come successful. Help the B players achieve their goals, and the C players can
be loyal customers. Build a strong, nurturing relationship with them and
work as a team. This is a fun business!
One technique I have used over and over is the “10 Name Quick Start.”
The key is to create urgency with your new distributors. Tell them, “I have a
system that will rapidly explode your business. I need the names of your top
10 people today. Think of all the people you know who have a burning desire
to change their financial status. Think of all the entrepreneurial people you
know who are already successful and have a positive attitude, people who
have a desire to make a difference in the world. Write their names down,
phone numbers, addresses, and e-mail addresses, and get them to me by to-
morrow. I will personally call all of these people with you and we will jump-
start your business into the profit mode.”
I always make an offer like this: “If you get those names to me tomor-
row and someone becomes interested, I will send them out one of our com-
pany CDs.” I then start calling their people with them, and if I run into an
energetic person who seems to be excited about the program, I make them
the same offer: “Make your list of 10 people and I will call all of them with
you.” By doing this, I am working deep into my team and creating depth that
will drive the checks. Do this; it works. Keep on going and work even deeper.
You will never run out of names this way and will have an unlimited source
of referrals.


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