The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

networkers, something in my internal radar felt off course with the offer. We
declined. Only a few months later, this individual left our company under a
cloud of innuendo and accusations. I don’t know the whole story, but I’m
glad I listened to those angels whispering in my ear. Your conscience or moral
intuition is an acute detection device for scams and scammers. Sometimes this
detection device is too sensitive and it prevents us from seeing possibilities or
even listening to ideas. And occasionally the scam artists do slide through un-
detected, though likely your hindsight will say “I told you so” and list the
hints that were dropped.
When I was first presented with my current opportunity, my internal de-
tector said an automatic “no.” In fact, I said no for five years before I would
listen to the information and dare to challenge my own biases. This is often
where our new prospects begin, with their thumbs on the reject button before
we have even pressed play.
When you approach a new person with your network marketing mes-
sage, their resistance to your approach is often about a perceived values con-
flict. When they hear “network marketing,” their internal radar dials
negative. Their internal fears may be beeping warnings like these:

  • Greed and injustice.This is a pyramid where those at the top make
    money, and everyone else doesn’t.

  • Deception.Sales are made by giving false information.

  • Shame.This is a shameful way to make money, and others will look
    down on you.

  • Unlawfulness.These companies work illegally and break laws. You
    would have to feign an interest in others to find business partners
    and clients. Dishonesty lies ahead.

  • Purposelessness.You would be wasting your time and energy selling
    items of little value to gain profit.

When you get underneath the surface of the often unspoken concerns
our potential partners may have, it is apparent that they are having a values
crisis. How could they hear any information about the benefits of binary
plans, the power of residual income, or the potential of our products, when
they fear their own values are being put at risk?
Balderdash! Let’s have a look at how these fears are based on False Evi-
dence Appearing Real (FEAR), and how we can address these concerns up
front with integrity and transparency. Maybe you have experienced some of
these fears yourself, and possibly you still retain some of these concerns. This
is important internal work to embark on to align ourselves fully with values
in our business. Otherwise, both peace and success will always elude us, as we
project our fear and sense of unworthiness at our prospects.


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